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Showing posts from November, 2012

The perils of the laundromat

My day started off like any other day. Woke up at 4:30, showered, got ready, ate breakfast, got dressed in my nursing scrubs and headed to the hospital. But unlike any other day, my nurse I'm supposed to precept with was not there. She traded her shift and worked yesterday instead. So what did this mean for me? I got to go home and snuggle up to my sweet hubby and our heating blanket while watching a movie! I think that's something worth waking up early for. :)  It also gave me some free time to write about our laundromat experiences. Sounds like a particularly boring topic but we've had some experiences that are anything BUT boring.  Experience #1: It was around the last week of September. We tried a new laundromat close to where I lived before we were married We also tried some new detergent. The problem with this experience was Michael could not stop itching the next day. He got some very bad hives and it was crippling his daily activities. We thought it was from ...


Time doesn't stop for anybody. Not for the businessman who barely missed the subway, the reporter who missed the press, the athlete who crossed the finish line second, nobody. I regretfully admit that recently I have been happy about this undeniably true thought. All too often I find myself wishing time would move a second faster, a minute quicker, and a day sooner. With Michael and I both having hectic school schedules and longer hours logged in at work, I was constantly hoping for another tomorrow. But why? We are newlyweds- barely married for 5 months. I am almost done with my nursing program- should I not soak up every opportunity to learn? We have jobs in our fields of interest- at least we have the means to earn a living in a struggling economy. With the 2012 election ending yesterday, (and it's no secret it did not end in our favor) I feel a new sense of the need to enjoy every moment. Time has not stopped and life still goes on. We are still moving forward. Wh...